Varkon Geometry Tutorial: Why Optimization Techniques? 2009-01-05

Why Optimization Techniques?

Parametric Design based on Optimization

There is a need for almost every engineer to find optimal solutions for problems that have many parameters, many relations and many constraints.

On the market there are libraries available with sophisticated optimization functions. With such functions it may perhaps be possible to define and find solutions to large, complex design problems.

For the designer though, simpler optimization help is much more valuable. Especially in the beginning of the design process it is for the designer more a matter of analyzing the dependencies between parameters and design goals (requirements).

A requirement could for instance be that the center of gravity is in a certain position. With an optimization function it is quite easy to find the parameters that have the most influence on the center of gravity.

The sample bike tries to illustrate this case.

Sample move C.O.G

For the definition of surfaces

Very small changes of the input data to surfaces (points, vectors, P-values, etc) may make big changes of the curvature. An optimization function makes it much easier to systematically change parameters and to find the optimal mix of parameter values.

Under construction ...

The sample surf tries to illustrate this case.

Minimize curvature changes

For calculations

Optimization is not only of interest for the creation of geometry. It is also of interest when the geometry is (the CAD models are) “used”.

The sample fit tries to illustrate this case.

Best fit of points to sphere

Parametric Design based on Optimization Techniques (top)
