Module name:       s_kappa



Module declaration:  GLOBAL GEOMETRY MODULE s_kappa 



Module description:




 Curvature analysis of surfaces




 Curvature analysis cases


 maxp:  Maximum principal curvature directions

 minp:  Minimum principal curvature directions

 gauss: Gaussian curvature

 devan: Developability analysis



 Visualization cases


 R*3:  On the surface (3D)

 U,V:  In the surface parameter plane (2D)


 2006-04-16 Gunnar Liden








 1. Grid of lines for UV graphical representation


    Create a grid of U,V lines corresponding to the number

    of patches in U and V direction in the XY plane of the

    selected coordinate system.



 2. Curvature calculation


    Calculate curvature and create geometry (lines)

    showing the curvature.



Module parameters:



REF    s_id                     >"@t16 Select surface";

REF    c_id                     >"@t8192 Select U,V coordinate system";

STRING kcase*10:="minp"         >"Case: maxp minp gauss devan";

INT    iu_d   := 10             >"@ Step in U direction";

INT    iv_d   :=  7             >"@ Step in V direction";

STRING rflag*3:= "ALL"          >"@ Representation R*3, U,V or ALL";

FLOAT  rleng  := 70.0           >"@ Length of lines in R*3 space";

FLOAT  uleng  := 30.0           >"@ Length of lines in U,V plane";

INT    kpen   :=  2             >"@ Pen (colour) for curvature lines";

INT    upen   :=  6             >"@ Pen (colour) for U,V grid";

INT    graphic:= 1              >"@ Graphic Eq 1: Lines Eq 2: ..");



No called modules   



This document was created 2006-04-16 by module m_extdoc1




Module name:       lofted_fuselage



Module declaration:  GLOBAL GEOMETRY MODULE lofted_fuselage  



Module description:




 Create a fuselage surface with SUR_CONIC


 2006-04-15 Gunnar Liden






 Initializations and check of input data



Module parameters:



INT graphic:=1  >"Graphic 0: Nothing 1: Surface 2: All");



No called modules   



This document was created 2006-04-16 by module m_extdoc1