Module name:       trim_1



Module declaration:  GLOBAL GEOMETRY MODULE trim_1



Module description:





 Trimming of curves: Sample 1



 2006-04-16 Gunnar Liden




 Create a surface



 Coordinate system that defines the planar trim boundary



 Start coordinate system for intersect curves



 Make some planar intersects and trim the intersect curves




The module has no parameters (attributes)




Called modules:  



lofted_fuselage Create a fuselage surface with SUR_CONIC

s_trim_cur   Trim a surface curve with a planar surface boundary curve


This document was created 2006-04-17 by module m_extdoc1




Module name:       trim_2



Module declaration:  GLOBAL GEOMETRY MODULE trim_2



Module description:





 Trimming of curves: Sample 2



 2006-04-16 Gunnar Liden




 Create a surface



 Coordinate system that defines the planar trim boundary



 Create approx. trimmed surface




The module has no parameters (attributes)


Module name:       s_trim_cur



Module declaration:  GLOBAL GEOMETRY MODULE s_trim_cur



Module description:





 Trim a surface curve with a surface boundary curve

 defined by a planar intersect


 Please note that input data is not a surface boundary

 but a plane that defines the (one) boundary curve. The

 reason that intersects are made with plane and not with

 another surface curve is that intersects between surface

 curves not is very stable.



 2006-04-16 Gunnar Liden




 Initializations and check of input data



 Approximate with a bicubic surface for better performance or

 if there are problems with intersections



 Approximate with a cubic curve for better performance or

 if there are problems with intersections



 Create the intersection curve that trims the surface



 Trim the curve



Module parameters:



REF base_sur_id   >"t16 Select surface";

REF csy_bound_id  >"@t8192 Coordinate system defining boundary";

INT flag_bound:=1 >"Flag for boundary 1: Create curve";

REF i_trim_cur_id >"t8 Select curve to be trimmed";

INT graphic:=1    >"Graphic 0: Nothing 1: Curves 2: All");



No called modules   



This document was created 2006-04-17 by module m_extdoc1




Module name:       trimmed_appr_sur



Module declaration:  GLOBAL GEOMETRY MODULE trimmed_appr_sur



Module description:





 With surface approximation, re-definition of surface parts,

 etc. can surfaces be trimmed. But it is quite a lot of work

 to do it, and the surfaces will be approximated.


 For this sample works sur_composite unfortunately not

 (the problem is probably a difference in parameterization)



 2006-04-16 Gunnar Liden




 Initializations and check of input data



 Approximate with a bicubic surface. It is this bicubic

 surface that will be trimmed



 Create the intersect curve that shall trim the surface



 Assume that the trimming are for V curves that starts in U=0

 and ends for intersect for the plane

 Determine minimum U for the curve



 Trimming parameter values



 Split surface with U curve



 Create trimmed iso parameter curves on end split surface



 Create the composite surface Does unfortunately not work!



Module parameters:



REF base_sur_id   >"t16 Select surface";

REF csy_bound_id  >"@t8192 Coordinate system defining boundary";

INT graphic:=1    >"Graphic 0: Nothing 1: Curves 2: All");



No called modules   



This document was created 2006-04-17 by module m_extdoc1